Ellipsis International…
An ellipsis is often used to symbolize a thought or idea is not yet finished or complete…
That’s exactly what we believe the Lord wants to use us to do. So many children who have been hurt, overlooked, abandoned, or trafficked believe they are just that — period! But we don’t see them as orphan [period], street kid [period], or forgotten [period]. We believe there is an ellipsis — because their story isn’t yet finished. God has so much more planned for them and sees them as son, daughter, loved, and worth it.
“And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you FREE.”
John 8:32 NLT
"Until every child finds freedom in Christ."
Ellipsis International exists to unveil a new narrative of freedom in Christ to those bound by trauma.
"Every child is free in Christ."
Ellipsis International’s vision is to creatively reach the unreached through camps, conferences, and worship all presented in a way that helps the Gospel not only be heard but understood. We also exist to equip and empower others to do the same through training, mission trips, and events.
Ellipsis International sends the truth of the Gospel around the world in the form of Freedom Camp, training, and support through our summer missions internship, short-term mission teams at home and abroad as well as individuals with a desire to share the Gospel with those who have been unreached, hurt, overlooked, neglected, trafficked, abused or forgotten.
Core Values
Matthew 28:18-20
Acts 20:24, Romans 1:16
Proverbs 21:3, Psalm 41:12
Honor & Humility
Matthew 25:40
We believe every child deserves the opportunity to break free from the bondage of their past to pursue their God-given future.
Ellipsis International has partnered with Counselors and Psychologists in Seattle, Washington, to develop a camp that is not only fun for all children 7-18, but it has an underlying motive to begin the healing process in children who have experienced any form of trauma whether physical or emotional, including neglect, abuse, abandonment, marginalization and the like. The reactions to these types of trauma usually surface through depression, low self esteem, self-injury, eating disorders, isolation and even suicidal attempts. We believe every child or teen can benefit from this program as they will learn how to work through the unexpected curveballs of life.
We have several opportunities for you to be involved in sharing the truth with children around the world. We offer summer missions internships, short-term mission trips as well as trainings and materials for other groups and churches to take Freedom Camp to locations of their choice!
Freedom Camp is available to any interested organization, government home, orphanage, shelter, church or religious group. It is intended to help a group or organization in the healing process of their clients.
We leave each organization or group with the tools to carry out our aftercare and discipleship program to ensure the growth continues. We believe in empowering children, and therefore we desire to empower organizations to address all needs of the children in their programs.
Highlights from the inaugural Freedom Camp July 2017:
"I'm grateful. I'm thankful. I'm changed forever. The team, the kids, and Jesus touched my heart in so many ways this week. A bittersweet goodbye is only the beginning of a happier reunion and the beginning of bigger things to come."
"So thankful for my time in the Philippines and being apart of Ellipsis International!"
–Daniel G
"I just realized how much I have to be grateful for. How good God is. Not to say that I hadn’t recognized this before, but God definitely gave me a fresh perspective on what it means to love and serve others."
"Powerful, God inspired/breathed, impacting, important, needed."
This is where freedom begins...
To learn more about how Ellipsis International and Freedom Camp were developed, check out The Forgotten Ones. Click here to order: